
North end community group



The single mom disruptor is a dynamic force challenging and transforming the conventional narrative of single motherhood. Through resilient actions and innovative initiatives, she actively works to redefine societal perceptions and break away from traditional norms. This disruptor strives to bring about positive shifts in statistics, creating increased opportunities, improved support systems, and reduced stigmas for single mothers. By challenging the status quo, advocating for change, and fostering community support, she becomes a catalyst for empowering change and reshaping the narrative around single motherhood from one of struggle to one of strength and empowerment.

Disruptor is our newest community group launching March 23 in the Bothell/mill creek area.

We’ll meet for dinner and community on the third Saturday of each month, 5pm -7pm.

Kids are welcome and childcare will be provided so mom’s can connect without distractions. Contact us for more information and meeting address.