Recovery for single moms

Be restored

Fostering Healing, Together

Restored is a recovery meeting specifically for single moms in addiction recovery. Our mission is to provide a safe and empathetic space where single mothers can embark on a journey of renewal and healing in a safe and private space. Guided by the principles of support, connection, and growth, we aim to empower women to overcome adversity, heal from past experiences, and build a foundation of resilience.

Our recovery meetings are a testament to the unwavering spirit of Strong Like Mom, where recovery becomes a shared triumph and a beacon of hope for all.

Restored is led by Meghan and Stephanie, two single moms and recovering alcoholics. We recognize the impact and value of recovery meetings but also the challenges that single moms face in finding childcare in order to attend recovery meetings.

That’s why we’re proud to be one of the only local meetings to offer childcare at every meeting.

Restored meets every Friday in Everett

6:00 - 7:00pm

Reach church

2730 Oakes Ave

Everett, WA